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619 Prospect Blvd. Suite 3 I Midland (Ontario) I L4R 0G3
Tel: 705-526-7804
What is a Family Health Team?
Family Health Teams are health care organizations that include a team of family physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, social workers, dietitians, and other professionals who work together to provide health care services for their community. Family Health Teams provide a wide range of health options.
Family Health Teams ensure that people receive the care they need in their communities, as each team is set-up based on local health and community needs. They focus on chronic disease management, disease prevention and health promotion, and work with other health care organizations, such as public health units.
Since April 2005, 170 teams have been created across the province. It is expected that these teams will improve access to health care for more than 2.7 million Ontarians. In August 2010 the government announced 30 more teams bringing the total number of Family Health Teams in Ontario to 200.
The North Simcoe Family Health Team is one of 200 Family Health Teams that were created as part of the Ontario government’s plan to reduce wait times and improve access to quality health care for Ontario residents. Since opening our doors in 2007, we strive to enhance the care this is
provided to patients and families within our community by offering a variety of programs and services that support healthy living and overall wellness.
Can I use your programs?
In 2018 the North Simcoe Family Health Team was notified by the Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care that funding would be increased to expand and allow services to all residents in the community. We are excited to announce the expansion is complete and all services and programs are open to all residents in the community (unless stated otherwise).
Our Strategic Direction
Helping you be the healthiest you!
Opening doors to exceptional healthcare for all.
Mutual respect
Your decisions & choices